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Saturday, April 25, 2009


We are all get there... peraphs we´re already part of it.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I´m back and didn´t miss

Back to Silgueiros. I didn´t miss but i didn´t mind to get back. Althougth there were some questions to solve that i thought were solved before i went on vacances. But what can i do? Patients often believe they are completly righ and missunderstood our indications. So i had to call to the chief and all cicle started... Full day tomorrow or not.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Blessed is who invented the rest

Thanks dear sister Nini for the great vacances we spent with you in that lovely and hot place called Algarve. It is really cold here but what can we do... Go back!!! It would be marveillous but impossible. Whatever.. let´s go on. Nice Easter for everybody there, in web space. I´ll put some photos here as soon as i rip them to the computer. Sweet Kiss... One special for you Nicho´s boy whoever you are :) Short but funny story...

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

pick up the choice from the deep of your heart

i stopped being dazed and confused. It´s official... The decision was made. I´ll go to the USF, althougth i rather go to the UCC... Maby later and if they want me to go. I hope so.