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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Lines with story..

All of these lines across my face

Tell you the story of who I am

So many stories of where I've been

And how I got to where I am

But these stories don't mean anything

When you've got no one to tell them toIt's true...

I was made for youI climbed across the mountain tops

Swam all across the ocean blue

I crossed all the lines and I broke all the rules

But baby I broke them all for you

Because even when I was flat broke

You made me feel like a million bucks

You do, I was made for you

You see the smile that's on my mouth

It's hiding the words that don't come out

And all of my friends who think that I'm blessed

They don't know my head is a mess

No, they don't know who I really am

And they don't know what I've been through like you do

And I was made for you...

All of these lines across my face

Tell you the story of who I am

So many stories of where I've been

And how I got to where I am

But these stories don't mean anything

When you've got no one to tell them to

It's true...I was made for you

Monday, July 21, 2008

feeling alone

i don´t understand where it hurts when we are alone and miss someone or something... And i can´t figure out why i have to be here alone.. let me... anything!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Sway.. no keep feet in hearth

Any special meaning,,, but the lyric is nice and all the song sounds very pleasant. it could be named as the national antum oh true friendship!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

All the the feeling aroud was amazing. Funny people with whom i could talk about everything. I start to feel and think like Portugal National Coach.. Futsal is the best game in the World! I can´t help write in english... Any mistake you see or any sugestion just tell me ok? :)

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Tinha mesmo de escrever este post. Não quero esquecer-me e reler um dia o que vou escrever ajudará a avivar memórias... Pessoas que marcaram, positivamente, as outras ficarão na memória das lições aprendidas e na acção dos erros que não vou voltar a cometer.

Tenente Rodrigues Morgado: senti-me adequada no todo, quase perfeita... :-)
Soldado Baptista: por ela acredito que nem todos os soldados são murrões..
Vivian: colega para sempre e em qualquer trabalho... está lá para o que der e vier
Marcelo: ai 13,,, ai 26... Vamos conseguir!! e conseguimos!
Otávia: naturalmente bem disposta e fácil... gosto mesmo de pessoas fáceis!
Ana Sofia: talvez porque me faça lembrar a Certo e também porque é divertida e prática.

Dario: conversas interessantes e discussões sobre assuntos pertinentes... em inglês!
Mato: lindo, alto, espadaúdo, sorriso brilhante, confidente... e lindo!
Darko: Frodo Baggins com encantos tamanhos... se fosse fácil, ia para a Croácia! Sweet...
Alen e Damir: amigalhaços...

i might not see them again... but they all are worth it and memories for a life time!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Tantas coisas aconteceram desde o último post que já não sei se vale a pena contar tudo... Nada mudou radicalmente mas descobri novos gostos e conheci quase 100 pessoas diferentes nos últimos dias. Sei que muitas delas a memória irá apagar e vão ficar as importantes que guardarei para sempre no coração.